Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The Norton Agency is celebrating its 80th anniversary as the leading real estate, and insurance company in North Georgia.

Every year The Norton Agency presents its annual forecast. This is the opportunity for our President Frank Norton Jr to present his insight into the North Georgia market. In this current, turbulent, real estate market our forecast gives the developer, elected official, businessman, buyer, and seller, some direction going forward.

Here is an excerpt from our opening statement:
"Norton has reinforced its own business commitment to thrive in a market like this and not just survive by stepping up our associate recruitment, purchasing 2 different insurance firms, merging small capable real estate firms with our own, expanding offices and redeploying (not cutting) marketing resources. Norton is old enough to have see this before. It's five or six times we've seen this movie, and the plot is always the same."

If you would like to see the forecast go to www.accessnorthga.com and look at the link under Media Center.

When you are looking for stability in a real estate company to navigate you through troubled waters look no further than your backyard. If you are buying or selling in the North Georgia area look to the Norton Agency. WE ARE THE BIGGEST REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN NORTH GEORGIA. LOCAL KNOWLEDGE WITH NATIONAL EXPOSURE MAKES US YOUR BEST CHOICE!

Check out The Wells Team, of The Norton Agency, at www.randywellsteam.com