Monday, August 26, 2013

Fall Festivals in North Georgia

It is that time of year in North Georgia! See the attached for some, of many, fall festivals in North Georgia! If you are looking for property on Lake Lanier, Dawson, Lumpkin, Hall, White, or Forsyth County, let us know. Nobody knows North Georgia like a neighbor. The Wells Team: Your North Georgia Neighbors

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Waiting Until the Last Minute? Why?

As real estate agents we are very busy this year. Why do we add more pressure to ourselves, and our clients, by waiting until the last minute to submit amendments? For our non-Georgia real estate agents: After buyers complete their home inspection, they have the chance to ask for repairs to be made. We do this on a form called an Amendment to Address Concerns. We also deal with a due diligence period. This amount of time is negotiated between buyer and seller. I usually see a time period of 7 to 14 days. During this due diligence period a buyer can walk away from the home, for any reason, without financial penalty. During this period if our buyer has any items he wants repaired then we negotiate these items using the form Amendment to Address Concerns. In the past two weeks we have dealt with two situations that were down to the wire. One time we were representing the buyer and one time representing the seller. Representing our buyer, the buyer had last minute concerns about a radon test. The test was considered normal but had readings that raised long term health concerns for my buyer. Due diligence expired Monday night at midnight. My buyer has me submit an amendment to address concerns to the seller's agent Monday morning. His seller is working and felt that she was being pinched about making a quick, last minute decision. Negotiating all day, we finished up the amendment at 9pm, three hours before the deadline. In the case of representing of our seller we had a similar experience. The due diligence was expiring on a Saturday evening. The buyers had their inspection report for over a week but waited until the day before expiration to submit the amendment. Why? In this case their agent went on vacation and said he would take care of it when he returned. My seller felt that she was held hostage to make a last minute decision and did not appreciate the pressure. Fortunately we were able to negotiate a solution. To my fellow Georgia agents: We have an obligation to expedite a home inspection in order to give ample time to review it. If there are items the buyers want repaired, it needs to be submitted earlier to the sellers. The seller needs the time to meet with contractors, get estimates, and review the information before negotiating. Waiting until the last minute because of complacency, makes a stressful negotiation that much harder. Keep an eye on the due diligence date! Check out our website at