Monday, March 17, 2014

How Much Do You Value A Free Home Warranty?

What value do we place on FREE? For the past 9 years we have placed free warranties on all the homes we list. Our team incurs the cost. In our listing presentations we highlight this feature as an added value to working with The Wells Team. We receive acknowledgment from the potential client but it does not add as much weight to their decision as we thought it would. That being said we continue to list of very high percentage of homes after giving them our marketing presentation. So here is my thought to all of the potential sellers out there: If the agent does not offer a free home warranty ask them why. If the agent offers a warranty ask about the details. Overall it is a great program as you sell your home. Looking in the North Atlanta, Lake Lanier, or North Georgia area? Check out our website:

Monday, March 3, 2014

Home Listing Ideas for Spring

The last few weeks have been very busy. Why? It is listing season. We have listed two homes in the past week with the potential for four more! What are the discussions/thoughts that we are sharing with these sellers and potential sellers? •This is historically our busiest time for activity and sales. (March through May) •Inventory is still low in our area so this is a good time to list. •Work with us, and our experience, in determining a price for your home. We are providing a lot of data that needs to be used to help determine your homes value •Overall the North Atlanta market has improved but....activity still varies by county. Again reference our data. •In some cases updating, upgrading, is necessary to make your home competitive. Buyers are still demanding and expect updated, move in condition homes. This is especially true in the higher price ranges. •Work with your agent on what needs to be done before you list your home. DO NOT LIST IT BEFORE IT IS READY! •Do not expect to get a 100% price return on all upgrades that you made in your home. You did those for your enjoyment. •Have a general idea on where you want to move if you sell your home. What are the market conditions like in that area? •Have a plan if you sell the home quickly. Are you willing to rent, put your furniture in storage, or move in with family. When you are ready to buy or sell a home in the North Atlanta, Lake Lanier area, let us know. We are here to help.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Questions for your real estate agent, Internet marketing.

Unless you are in a cave, with no access to technology, then you know how important the internet has become to all of us. The National Association of Realtors tells us that approximately 92% of buyers start their search on the internet. If this statistic is true then why dont potential home sellers "grill" me about my internet marketing? Here are a couple of suggestions for the home seller as you interview real estate agents. •Ask the agent how the internet marketing works. In other words when the agent inputs your home in a computer how does it appear on other websites. •What are the top websites that are being used for real estate searches? •How do I know if people are seeing my home on these top websites? •How many pictures appear on the internet? •Do you, the agent, take your own pictures or use a professional photographer? What am I doing before a listing appointment? I email one of my listings to my potential client. I send links from four major real estate websites (Trulia, zillow,, and so they can see the quality of my listings. I also email the potential client the professional virtual tour I have done on my homes. I send them links where my virtual tours are located including and This gives my potential clients the ability to see my product before we meet in person to discuss other details. Final word to the sellers: After you choose your real estate agent, have them send you the links to your home on the internet so you can see the finished product. I say this not to bash my fellow agents. However I am amazed on how bad some homes appear on the internet. A picture of ceiling fan, an open toilet, or a picture so dark that it is a mystery, is doing the home seller a disservice. If you find yourself in the North Atlanta, Lake Lanier or North Georgia area, look us up. We are The Wells Team,

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Home Remodeling and Home Value

How much value does a home remodel add to my home? A very good question. I attended a seminar taught by a fellow Keller Williams agent and 29 year appraiser. We discussed the difficulties, as agents, trying to assist our sellers with the proper pricing of their home. For many sellers pricing becomes an emotional and frustrating issue. A couple of suggestions: Get a good idea of your competition from you agent. Look at all of the features of your competition's homes. Look for new construction in the area. Assess your homes value based on its current age of features Assess your homes value based on doing various remodeling projects Determine if you need to do some remodeling in order to be competitive with other homes. Try to look at your home through the eyes of a potential buyer. The same potential buyer who watches HGTV for the latest trends in housing and wants a "move in" ready home. Work with an experienced agent. The chart shows expected returns for various remodeling projects in the Atlanta area and the Southeast. If you find yourselves in the North Atlanta, Lake Lanier, or North Georgia area look us up at

Monday, December 16, 2013

Our Monthly Real Estate Update for the North Atlanta, Lake Lanier, and North Georgia Area!

This is our last update for 2013. Thank you for a successful year! If you are in the North Atlanta area, Lake Lanier, or North Georgia area, please look us up.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sorry But You Have Closed

I write this brief blog based on my experience representing a buyer, a seller, and purchasing my own home. You close on your home, move into the home, and find a problem. What do you do? Recently I closed on a home representing the seller: The buyer had the home inspected. My seller complied with the inspection report and had items repaired. Seller provided buyer with all receipts. The buyer had concerns about the roof. My seller provided the buyer all receipts showing recent repairs. The buyer's agents did a walk through to confirm all repairs had been made. The buyers did a walk through the day of closing to check the home. Closing proceeded normally. The next day I received an email from the buyer's agent saying that the home was filthy and there appeared to be roof issues. Two weeks later I received another email from the buyer's agent showing me a roof leak in the attic. The home has closed. My seller is not under any further obligation to the buyer. My thoughts: Regardless of a proper home inspection, due diligence on the part of the buyer, and their agent, homes can still have problems. I would consider buying a warranty for the home. I would also make sure I had a very thorough home inspection. Home inspectors cannot see everything but I have seen buyers go for the lowest price inspector instead of the most experienced. My seller did not do anything to mislead the buyers. Unfortunately the buyers, and their agent, felt differently. It was a bad situation but: Sorry we have closed