Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Georgia Tax Credit for Homebuyers

We wanted to pass this information along to our fellow Georgia residents. The following is an excerpt from Georgia Senator Chip Pierson's update that we receive. This excerpt describes a Georgia tax credit that passed in the legislature. We would encourage you to contact your elected Georgia representative for more details.

The Wells Team is here to help you with your next home. Your North Metro Atlanta experts.

"As I have said before, fixing housing is the first step to fixing the economy. In the past year, Metro Atlanta has seen a 20 percent decline in home values and 13 percent statewide. If we do nothing, housing values will eventually be set back 10 years at this rate. Recognizing that immediate action is crucial, the legislature voted in favor this week of revitalizing Georgia's housing market by offering a $3,600 home buying income tax credit. This incentivizing credit will be available for only six months, encouraging home buyers to act now. This represents the very definition of a true stimulus: a quick thrust that incites activity within the market, producing tangible results. Under House Bill 261, the credit will apply to new and previously occupied homes and condominiums, including foreclosures.

This legislation is a product of the joint Economic Development hearings held late last year on Georgia's housing market. I was proud to work with Rep. Ron Stephens on the issue and to carry his bill to passage in the Senate. In December, industry experts warned that in Georgia, particularly in our area of Northeast Georgia, the housing market was in a depression. At that point, housing starts had plunged 67 percent. Though the situation has continued to worsen, we had some good news recently with the unexpected 22.2 percent rise in housing starts for the month of February. While we still face an uphill battle of stabilizing housing, this tax credit will go a long way in incentivizing the market and start providing immediate relief. "



Remember the AFLAC commercial where Yogi Berra is in a barber shop giving his words of wisdom. By the end of the commercial the AFLAC duck walks out of the barber shop shaking his head in total disbelief of what he has just heard.

Barb and I are starting to imitate the AFLAC duck. (No bill or wings but close). We have listened to potential buyers and are just lost in what they want.

• They have been looking in our area, specifically our neighborhood, for years but will not buy.
• They have no house to sell but do not buy
• They know every house by square footage, feature, and price but will not buy.
• They have looked at expensive properties that now sell for half their original price but do not buy
• They know a resale is a better opportunity than building the same house yet they do not buy
• Interest rates are at a low rate that will not be seen again for many years to come yet they do not buy
• They say they know what they want but the “perfect house” has not and will never exist so they do not buy
• They tell us to keep in touch, send them information but they do not buy.

We want to work with you to find the best buy. However the customer has to make the next move. If you have interest in a house MAKE AN OFFER! In this market anything is possible.

No situation is perfect. However if you are a qualified homebuyer this is about as good as it gets!

Next time you are in the North Metro Atlanta area look us up. We will be the two agents shaking our heads and making noises like a duck!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Time to be Exposed

We realize that the current real estate market is very competitive. Things will turn around and when they do exposure is important.

What do we mean by exposure? Simply having your house available in many different forms of marketing.

Our primary source of marketing is the internet. According to NAR approximately 84% of potential buyers start their search on the internet. We feel that the internet becomes more important as people have less time to look for houses and gas prices start their slow climb back up.

The Wells Team takes great pride in their internet exposure. Our listings are on 5 of the top 20 overall websites. This group includes Google, AOL, Yahoo, MSN, and Craigs List. When it comes to real estate websites we are on 10 of the top 18.

We also add the following to make sure that you are "fully exposed":

Audio Tour with 800 number
Two virtual tours
CD's in front of your house with a copy of your virtual tour
Full color flyers
The Norton Agency Homes for Life Magazine

This is one time that you want to be fully exposed. Let the Wells Team help you!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Use Our Checklist When you Choose a Realtor!

The Wells Team of The Norton Agency encourages you to use a "checklist" when you make this very big decision.

Here is our checklist:

•o Friendly, Courteous Behavior

•o Quick Response from two agents and one marketing specialist.

•o Avaliable 24 -7 days

•o Internet Presence on TOP Real Estate web sites

•o Investment in marketing

•o Open Houses

•o Redesign Service

•o CD's

•o Color Flyers

•o Audio Tours

•o 2 Virtual Tours

If you checked all these boxes you must be listed with

The Wells Team