Sunday, March 15, 2009

Time to be Exposed

We realize that the current real estate market is very competitive. Things will turn around and when they do exposure is important.

What do we mean by exposure? Simply having your house available in many different forms of marketing.

Our primary source of marketing is the internet. According to NAR approximately 84% of potential buyers start their search on the internet. We feel that the internet becomes more important as people have less time to look for houses and gas prices start their slow climb back up.

The Wells Team takes great pride in their internet exposure. Our listings are on 5 of the top 20 overall websites. This group includes Google, AOL, Yahoo, MSN, and Craigs List. When it comes to real estate websites we are on 10 of the top 18.

We also add the following to make sure that you are "fully exposed":

Audio Tour with 800 number
Two virtual tours
CD's in front of your house with a copy of your virtual tour
Full color flyers
The Norton Agency Homes for Life Magazine

This is one time that you want to be fully exposed. Let the Wells Team help you!

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