Thursday, November 11, 2010

Should you Update or Upgrade Your Home?

Should you update and upgrade your home prior to selling? That is a difficult question to answer but is a question worth examing.

I wanted to lead by example. My family is living in a 10 year old home. During those ten years we have updated the Kitchen, painted, installed new carpet, and additional hardwoods.

We just completed remodeling the Bathroom (my wife designed the entire project). I have attached before and after pictures to show you the difference.

Why do we do it? There are many reasons. Future resale would be one reason. However we did it to enjoy it!

Our situation is slightly different than our present clients. We are not going to sell our home for quite a few years.

However my suggestion to our present and future home selling clients: Strongly consider doing some upgrading and updating to your home!

Here is my reasoning:

Decorator allowances, agent bonuses, and other "give aways" do not work

Atlanta has limited new construction. However buyers are demanding new home style in a resale home.

Buyers continue to lack imagination, time, and money to do their own upgrades.

Our feedback continues to be consistent. We have homes that show well but lack the latest that separates it from the rest.

Barb, Sue, and Randy make up The Wells Team of The Norton Agency. Let us help you prepare your home for sale in the North Atlanta area. We also offer redesign services free to our clients!