Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Norton Annual Forecast is January 20th

The Norton Agency 2011 Annual Forecast is scheduled for January 20th at The Georgia Mountain Center in Gainesville.

What is the annual forecast?

An opportunity to hear from our President Frank Norton Jr. Frank will give an overview on conditions in the North Georgia area. This includes residential and commercial real estate, business growth, zoning, water, population, and other trends that directly affect the area.

Frank Norton Jr. has a solid reputation in the North Georgia area! His interpretation of statistical data, and general insights, make him a sought after speaker to local government, civic organizations, and fellow real estate professionals!

The activities start at 5:30pm! Come join us and see what is happening for 2011!

After the Annual Forecast, The Norton Agency will publish the 2011 Native Intelligence. If you would like a copy let us know.

Barb, Sue, and Randy make up The Wells Team of The Norton Agency. WE KNOW THE NORTH ATLANTA METRO AREA AND NORTH GEORGIA!

Check out our website at www.randywellsteam.com

See you on the 20th of January!

Why We Were So Successful in 2010!

I am not writing this blog to appear on the arrogant side. Rather I wanted to briefly explain why The Wells Team had a great year in a tough real estate market.

There are two reasons:


In our opinion we outworked our competition. How? 24/7 availability! With a team of two agents and one admin assistant, a phone call or an email was answered quickly.

Doing the extra services that differentiate us from the rest. We have stored furniture, painted doors, replaced lights, painted, located contractors, and done other things to assist our clients.


The three of us have operated as a strong team in 2010. This team of three worked for each other not against each other. We shared the compliments and the criticism. We trust each other and do not have to look behind our backs.

We shared the same strategies and long term goals.

The overall success speaks for itself. We will end up in the top 5 of 145 agents at our company with over $4.8 million dollars in sales.

Of course The Wells Team knows that our success is also a result of working with our outstanding clients!

We look forward to a successful 2011! If you are looking for property in the North Atlanta metro area give us a call. We are The Wells Team of The Norton Agency.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Covenants:A Binding Agreement?

Covenant-A binding agreement. Usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement.

References have been made in the bible to covenants between God and his people.

In an neighborhood in Atlanta covenants are 50 plus pages of restrictions!

A quick story that relates to the subject. I recently received a phone call from some close friends that live in a covenant protected neighborhood in Atlanta. This neighborhood has held its home values despite the local market. They are also located in an area with a top ranked public school system.

They told me they wanted to move. Matter of fact they had found a home with two acres in the same school district. The land was beautiful, the home was definite step back, but this represented a new lifestyle.

Why the change? Neighbors and covenants!

Neighbors: We have no power to select our neighbors.

Covenants:They followed the covenants. Unfortunately other neighbors felt differently.

My take: I own properties in Georgia and Florida both of which have covenants. They are a necessary evil. Unfortunately trying to keep 500 individual homeowners on the same page, without the written word, has been a failure. Covenants became a necessity.

We make sure that our clients have a copy of the covenants to review during due diligence. They need to read them and make a commitment to abide them. If they are too much then we need to look elsewhere.


If you are looking for properties in the North Atlanta area let us know. We are The Wells Team of The Norton Agency. A combined 42 years living in the North Atlanta area!