Saturday, September 21, 2013

Before You List Your Home Have a Plan!

Another recent incident that cost The Wells Team a good sale. We had listed one of our client's home. They were starting a new home that would be done next spring. They did not have to sell their home in order to complete the new home. Received a good offer on the home in early September with a closing at the end of October. Everything looked good then........ The sellers did not have a plan. They decided they wanted to rent a home close to the site of their future home. However... They wanted an unfurnished home with a specific floor plan available in one month! They wanted a home in an area that is rural and predominantly seasonal mountain homes. Those homes are empty in the winter but are furnished. Two days later they could not find the home they wanted to rent. Contract gone. Home withdrawn two days later. Before you list your home you need a plan! Where are you moving? Have you started looking in this area? Are you willing to rent if needed? Are you willing to put some items in storage while you are renting? Do you have any idea on the cost to move? to store your furniture? If necessary what is your plan regarding schools? Before you list your home, let your agent know your plan. Without a plan you might have to turn down a sale! If you are in the north metro Atlanta area, Lake Lanier, or North Georgia, give us a call!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Mutual Respect: What is it?

What a crazy year! Our local market is the busiest in years, homes are selling, people are buying, and agents are working 24/7. The euphoria comes with a price: A lot of stressed agents, buyers, and sellers! And with the stress there are issues with how we are treating each other. Overall the majority of our experiences with other agents, buyers, and sellers have been good. However we have seen an increase in the amount of "personality issues" we are having with fellow agents, buyers, and sellers. So a couple of thoughts: Agents-Whether you are representing the buyer or seller we still have the same goal: Putting together a deal while representing our clients. Negotiating is a two way street. Both sides need to feel that they have won. So work with the other agent, communicate, and respect the other agent Sellers-You hired us to represent you in the marketing and sale of your home. You hired us because you trust us, acknowledge our professionalism, training, and experience. Treat us as professionals. Yelling, swearing, and scolding us like children (personal experience this year) does not motivate us to work harder for you. Buyers-Believe us when we tell you we are continuously looking for the home that meets your criteria. We drive a lot of miles and spend countless hours on your behalf. Getting short with us (personal experience) does not help. Appreciate the diversities in other people instead of criticizing them In other words: Mutual Respect Come see us if you are looking for homes in the north Atlanta area!