Monday, March 17, 2014

How Much Do You Value A Free Home Warranty?

What value do we place on FREE? For the past 9 years we have placed free warranties on all the homes we list. Our team incurs the cost. In our listing presentations we highlight this feature as an added value to working with The Wells Team. We receive acknowledgment from the potential client but it does not add as much weight to their decision as we thought it would. That being said we continue to list of very high percentage of homes after giving them our marketing presentation. So here is my thought to all of the potential sellers out there: If the agent does not offer a free home warranty ask them why. If the agent offers a warranty ask about the details. Overall it is a great program as you sell your home. Looking in the North Atlanta, Lake Lanier, or North Georgia area? Check out our website:

Monday, March 3, 2014

Home Listing Ideas for Spring

The last few weeks have been very busy. Why? It is listing season. We have listed two homes in the past week with the potential for four more! What are the discussions/thoughts that we are sharing with these sellers and potential sellers? •This is historically our busiest time for activity and sales. (March through May) •Inventory is still low in our area so this is a good time to list. •Work with us, and our experience, in determining a price for your home. We are providing a lot of data that needs to be used to help determine your homes value •Overall the North Atlanta market has improved but....activity still varies by county. Again reference our data. •In some cases updating, upgrading, is necessary to make your home competitive. Buyers are still demanding and expect updated, move in condition homes. This is especially true in the higher price ranges. •Work with your agent on what needs to be done before you list your home. DO NOT LIST IT BEFORE IT IS READY! •Do not expect to get a 100% price return on all upgrades that you made in your home. You did those for your enjoyment. •Have a general idea on where you want to move if you sell your home. What are the market conditions like in that area? •Have a plan if you sell the home quickly. Are you willing to rent, put your furniture in storage, or move in with family. When you are ready to buy or sell a home in the North Atlanta, Lake Lanier area, let us know. We are here to help.