Wednesday, July 1, 2009


We have seen the first six months of 2009 speed pass us as time has a tendency to do. As Barb and I communicate with our clients on the North Atlanta market, and what has transpired this year, we find ourselves trying to grasp what has actually happened.


As we write this we are working on three different contracts with prices varying from approximately $150,000 to approximately $750,000.

We show foreclosures to prospective buyers. On some occasions they feel inclined to put in a "low ball" offer on a home that has already seen a price reduction. The offer is rejected and the buyer disappears. As a result we see a large amount of foreclosures that have been sitting for almost six months! These homes are priced to sell. Why haven't they disappeared?

The procrastinators and quick escape artist have dominated our year to this point. One neighborhood that Barb and I work seems to be a magnet for the continual looker. We have encountered buyers who have been looking for 10 years (the current record)! What are they looking for: A DEAL! That continues to be the overwhelming response for this group. Our answer is quite simple: EVERY HOUSE WE HAVE IS A DEAL! You could not build a new home for what you can buy in our current listings. Despite this they continue to procrastinate waiting for THE BETTER DEAL! As they express their interest on a particular home they leave us and turn into the quick escape artist. They have disappeared.


We are summarizing the first six months of 2009 with the question mark. The job market in the Atlanta area, the unemployment rate close to 10%, government bailouts, and consumer confidence have all contributed to the caution of buying a home.

There continues to be so much choice for the buyers that they cannot make a decision. If I wait will prices go lower? Can I find a better deal if I keep waiting? When will the deals end? And so they wait.

Pricing continues to be #1 among our clients. However we are selling homes to buyers who want a particular home, location, or lifestyle with the price being secondary.

The question mark continues to follow the real estate market.

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