Wednesday, May 19, 2010


The last time I heard this line was from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory! (Remember the scene?)

This is what The Wells Team is seeing with home buyers in the North Atlanta area.

There is very little new home inventory available. (The builders are gone).

The buyers are looking at the large amount of reslae inventory including foreclosures.

What are the comments?

"A lot of house for the money but the bathroom needs updating".

"Where is the granite in the kitchen"

"The Dining Room needs to be repainted".

"The entire home is outdated".


Here is the reality concerning resales and foreclosures.

Look at the price per square foot of the home. Compare the cost of buying the home or building the home with the latest bells and whistles.

The conclusion is obvious.

The Wells Team has homes that average under $100 per square foot. Compare that to the $135+ per square foot to build the same home new. Take the diffrerence in price and update the bathroom, kitchen, or both. You still come out ahead.

The deals are still there. They just involve a little extra work to give them your personal touch.

With that extra effort YES YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL!

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