Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Where is the Professionalism?

We spent last night with one of our clients updating them on our local market.

They understand what is transpiring in the economy and the housing market. What they do not understand is the lack of courtesy shown by other real estate agents.

The past few showings have frustrated them. A 3pm appointment actually took place at 4:30pm. Another appointment actually transpired over two hours late. Others scheduled and did not show.


The agent who was 90 minutes late decided to show other vacant properties first. This individual did not put together a plan keeping in mind the inconvenience of our sellers.

The agent who was two hours late did the same thing. This agent showed his client empty homes first not keeping track of the time.

The ironic part is that the empty homes, as well as, our listing were in the same neighborhood!They could have easily gone back to the empty home after they kept their appointment with our listing!

We do not ask for much just some professional courtesy.

If you make an appointment be there on time. If you are running early or late give us a call.

If you drive up to the home and your clients do like the home call us. Do not leave us waiting.

Give us feedback on your showing.

A little professional courtesy in this tough market goes a long way!

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