Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Can Call You Anything I Want!

The professionalism continues to decline.

Recently I had a problem with an agent showing my listings. The agent would contact our sellers directly sometimes knocking on their door. Our showing instructions were clear that we needed to be contacted first.

I wrote an email to this agent, and her broker. I thanked them for showing the property and looked forward to working with them. All I asked, nicely, was that they called me first. I have information on my clients, and their property, that could be beneficial to all sides.

In return I received an email. It said that it was all about control and that I am a D---!

Obviously I was shocked by the response.

I took this to my broker. She contacted the other broker and asked her to explain her agent's behavior. Her response was irritation that I had forwarded the email to my broker. Nothing was going to be done!

My broker's hands are tied. Why? Because this sales office agents are not members of a board of realtors and have no company guidelines on this type of behavior.

If I had made a similar comment my company would have fired me for violating company policy.

Bottom Line: There are agents who can do whatever they want. They do not have conduct guidelines from their company. Since they are not members of a board of realtors, or the National Association of Realtors, they have no additional codes of conduct.

Unfortunately this sales office is in my neighborhood! How ironic!

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