Monday, December 12, 2011

They Took the Doors

This market continues to amaze us. It forces people into irrational behavior. Take the case of the latest home to go into foreclosure in my neighborhood. The home had been for sale approximately two years. A custom built home with upgraded appliances, light fixtures, and a pair of handmade antique front doors.

Needless to say the home was advertised for foreclosure at the beginning of December. Our team put a short sale offer on the home two weeks before it was to go into foreclosure. At that point the "owners" had taken the appliances, and changed out the light fixtures. We pressed ahead with the short sale offer despite the changes they had made.

Then they came back to us and said that they were taking the doors! What do you mean they are taking the doors! The same doors that they had advertised for two years as part of the home had suddenly become a "wedding present". The sellers had now laid claim to the doors.

After some tense negotiations the sellers agreed to leave the doors with the home. However after all that work the lender declined our short sale offer. The home was then foreclosed on the following. It happened on a Tuesday. I bet you will never guess what happened Tuesday night? Yes you guessed it. The doors disappeared. They were replaced by two standard metal doors.

My question to all of you is this: When you build, or buy a home, do you buy the doors, light fixtures, and appliances for cash and place them in the house or are they paid for by the mortgage? I will bet that all of the items are part of the mortgage. If the lender paid for all of these items then why do sellers feel it is their right to take these items out of the home?

Has this housing market killed our integrity?

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