Saturday, November 19, 2011

Water Levels at lake Lanier

For all of us "locals", we are all very familiar with Lake Lanier and its ever changing water levels.

As of today Lake Lanier was down over 14 feet!

What does that have to do with a real estate agent who sells Lake Lanier property? I think you know the answer.

We had been working with a client for over six months. We had showed them Lake Lanier property and knew their desire to live in our area. We were waiting for them to sell their Florida home.

You probably know how this turned out. Our clients had sold their Florida home however I did not hear from them. I made the phone call that I dread making. When they answered the phone they apologized for not keeping in touch but they were going to buy a home at Lake Oconee!

Regardless of the outcome we always take the high road. We wished them the best of luck.

They are moving to an area that is double the distance from their grandchildren in Atlanta. They are moving to an area that is more rural with less to do. But they were moving to a lake where the water level stays constant.

Lake Oconee is run by a power company. They keep the level constant. Lake Lanier is run by the Army Corp of Engineers.

The priorities of Lake Lanier are flood control, water supply for Atlanta, enforcement of the Endangered Species Act, among the many. Boating, recreation, and real estate are at the bottom.

As residents of the lake, boat owners, and real estate agents, we always knew the priorities. However this does not make the situation any easier.

As we continue to have water wars with Alabama and Florida over the lake, have a growing population, and put more strains on the infrastructure, we will continue to see this situation every other year.

An unfortunate situation that is caught up in local and national politics. The solutions are attainable but they need to be implemented not discussed.

Until them we will keep losing customers.

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