Saturday, November 19, 2011

When Do I File the Deed?

After six years I still learn something new everyday!

I have a client who is buying a home from a seller who purchased the home on the courthouse steps. The seller, with his investment group, paid cash for the property.

As we finalized the agreement with the seller we did negotiate with one disadvantage. We did not know what the seller paid for the home. Why? Because the seller had not filed the deed with the county!

After we finalized the agreement I brought up this point with the seller. The seller waited to file the deed because he did not want any potential buyers to know how much he paid for the home.

This seller has purchased numerous foreclosure homes in the North Atlanta area. After he purchases a home he does what he feels is needed to ready the home for sale. Obviously repairs and upgrades cost money and are taken in account when he prices the home.

The problem in the past is that potential buyers look up the home on the tax records, see what the seller paid for the home, and offer a slightly higher amount. There is no regard for repairs or upgrades made to the home. In many cases he has been offered $5000 to $10,000 more than what he paid for a property!

So this seller holds the deed as long as he can.

Of course once our deal is finalized the deed needs to be filed. If it is not filed the lender will not approve the deal and the lawyer cannot do a credible title search.

An interesting strategy in this crazy market!

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