Saturday, November 19, 2011

Top Trends from The Norton Agency

We had the opportunity to attend The Norton Agency Advanced Seminar last week. Our President, Frank Norton Jr, gave us a lot of statistics, information, and trends for the national and local real estate market.

Top ten trends, for our area, as identified by The Norton Agency

Expect no upward swing (in regards to prices)
Foreclosures have run their course in Georgia
Lending is invisible (more lending alternatives)
Cash is piled up on the sidelines (folks in a holding pattern)
Value price is in
Healthcare sector is pumping
Agriculture is back (demand for small farms)
Function before glamour (in regards to a home)
Rampant uncertainity is paralyzing!
We are on the edge of a centennial investment opportunity!
With interest rates being the lowest since 1930, owning a home being cheaper than renting, and low pricing, this could very easily be the best opportunity we will have in our lifetime! Take advantage of it!

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