Thursday, April 26, 2012

We Would Like Some Respect

A couple of years ago I did a blog about the lack of respect we receive as agents. After 7 years in the business, numerous awards, and high rankings as a top producer, our team receives absolutely no respect from the majority of our clients. I say this as a point of ever deepening frustration for The Wells Team. Three weekends we received 5 offers on 5 different properties. As of today three of those offers fell through. As we presented these offers to our clients we were met with very negative, and frustrating, comments and feedback. In every case we presented our sellers a thorough analysis of the offer, the market, neighborhood statistics, and other supporting information. The results were mixed at best. One seller got very rude with us over the “horrible” offer. He was not going to closing with money. (That was not correct) We were told our negotiating skills were terrible. “Why am I paying you? All you do is write amendments and pass them back and forth.” I don’t want to look at any of your statistics. They do not apply to my home. I don’t care what has sold around me my home is different. You showed me you could get a higher percentage for my home. (If it was priced right from the start) I just had an appraisal. Why won’t they pay me what my appraisal says? And other comments that were insulting to us We deal with well educated professionals as our clients. We give them the respect that they are due. The Wells Team is made up of three professionals who are college educated, have had successful professional careers, attend classes, meetings, and seminars on a constant basis. As a result we are met with a serious lack of respect. The ironic part is that our clients who state they understand that this is a business end up becoming emotional when they receive an offer. My summary on this: I do not tell you how to do your job, I show you respect, and you hired me to market and sell your home. In return I ask for respect, I do not need to be told how to do my job, and The Wells Team will work their best to do the best that is possible for you our client.

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