Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Want it All Including the Cat!

Real estate transactions are becoming increasingly complex. Put together a contract, add financing contracts, inspection reports, appraisals, and the paperwork adds up. This was a first for The Wells Team: We received an offer on a home in North Georgia. Under Special Stipulations they added the following sentence: Home sold completely furnished! The alarm bells went off! Our seller did not know how to react. All of the furniture? Including the dishes? The silverware? The garden gnomes? The cat? Needless to say that makes it a very complicated transaction. First let me clarify this point. This was the primary home for my sellers. Not a vacation home. Selling a vacation home turnkey is pretty common. This was not. My sellers were trying to place a quantitative amount to all of the furnishings. It is hard to figure out how much a used leather couch is worth on the open market! There were also items that they wanted to take to their next home. To sell some of these items at "used furniture" prices and buy the same item new continues to complicate the decision. Here is my advice very simply: When your buyer wants furniture in a home have them buy the home first then negotiate the furniture separately with the seller. And if you want the cat please negotiate that after we close on the home!

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