Monday, May 20, 2013


After 8 years, and multiple listing presentations, I can throw out a lot of statistics. In a listing presentation the most important statistic is: How much am I going to receive for my home? In my experience, 90-92% seems to be a general average. However I am going to have to reassess that percentage based on the current market, and the price of homes. This year we have sold two homes in the high $600K price range. They both received 96% and 97% of asking price. Why? •Because the sellers had priced the home below their original purchase price. •Because a sales price at 90% of asking price represents a significant amount of money. (approximately 60K) •Because the market is allowing them to hold out for a slightly higher price. This is also the case with homes priced in the $130,000-$170,000 price range. Of course that is a direct effect of the demand for homes in that price range. So how do I answer that question from the beginning of the blog? How much will you receive for your home? I now dispense with the generalizations and provide the potential seller with more specifics on solds in their neighborhood. This is now allowing us to be a little more precise and realistic. Bottom Line: Provide your potential seller with the most precise numbers possible instead of using a generalized statistic.

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