Monday, June 3, 2013

Crime Statistics and Home Buying

Another first after 8 years in the industry. We lost a contract on a home because of crime in the area. The home was located NE of Atlanta in a very nice neighborhood of homes priced under $200,000. The yards were neat, family activity everywhere, an active HOA, and very nice amenities. The home was a perfect fit and we went into negotiations. While we were in negotiations my buyer went to to check local crime statistics. Even though nothing had happened in the neighborhood, there were incidents within .2 miles of the home that alarmed her. As a single mother, my buyer felt uncomfortable in this area and withdrew her offer on the home. My partner and I were surprised. Frankly we had not seen this situation before. As I talked to the buyer on the phone I sensed her opinion of me was adversarial not an advocate. I admitted that I wanted to look into this situation further before we "killed" the contract. That was not the right thing to say. The buyer had made up her mind. What have I learned: You can never know your buyers enough. Make sure you know there priorities and things that make them uncomfortable. Before I look at homes in any area, I will reference or other crime software. That makes me more of an expert who can confidently work with a buyer. Listen, listen, listen to what your buyers say. Do not second guess your buyers. If they have made up their mind then respect their position. In this case the amount, and types, of crime were enough to deter her from buying. Other people might interpret the data differently. Keep working hard for your buyer! They will appreciate it!

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