Monday, June 17, 2013


My fellow real estate agents have been busy and it is a great thing to see! Unfortunately I am seeing the return of some bad habits. Specifically I refer to showing appointments and lack of feedback. My partner and I are experiencing numerous occurrences where appointments are scheduled and the agent "no shows". We understand if the agent falls behind or the buyer does not like the curb appeal of a home. However the agent needs to remember that our sellers have moved their life around in order to be out of their home for a showing. As a result my partner and I receive the honor of explaining why our sellers left their home and the home was not shown. In the past I have received mix reviews from my fellow agents regarding feedback. Some believe in it and others do not. We ask for feedback in order to give our sellers something, anything, to give them an idea on why their home is not selling. We realize that if an offer is not received the buyers are not interested. However if my sellers can make changes they are willing in order to sell. So here is what I am asking my fellow "professional" real estate agents. Communicate with sellers agents if you are not going into a home or are running excessively late Take a few minutes and give us some feedback.

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