Saturday, July 27, 2013

Granite and its Nautical Influence

I just got back from vacation in SW Utah. We rented a houseboat on Lake Powell. If you have not been there you are missing one of the most beautiful spots in the country. After 8 years in the real estate industry, houses are always on my mind. Trying to shut it off during on vacation was my goal but housing came up in a strange way. We rented a houseboat with two other families. One of the couples had the chance to go on a private houseboat. A boat that made ours look like a rowboat. What was the number one thing that my friends remembered from the boat tour? The size of the engines? The advanced navigation system? The stability of the ride? NO! The granite countertops in the Kitchen and the Bathrooms! So granite continues to have a profound influence with my home buyers and the my fellow boat lovers!


I was recently on vacation in Southwest Utah at Lake Powell. An absolutely beautiful place. I sell real estate in North Georgia. In the area we have a lot of double wide homes. They are in various styles and conditions. Needless to say I was impressed with this one I saw on my travels....


If you read my previous blog you learned of an issue I had with a buyer using a home warranty. Since I wrote that blog I have learned some more things that might be of interest to you and your clients. The biggest suggestion I have for you is to educate your client on the use of home warrantys. After 8 years in the industry, I have taken it for granted that my clients fully understand their use. The biggest point to emphasize is that a home warranty is not purchased to fix items that are already broken. The warranty is a form of "insurance" in case a system, in good working order, breaks in the future. Yes you would be surprised how many folks do not grasp this concept. The next point is to encourage your client not to immediately start making claims once they move into a home. Filing claims within 24 hours of moving into a property does not go over well with a warranty company. Before you file a claim make sure you have used the system numerous times without an issue. Again filing a claim within 24 hours on a system will raise some doubt from the warranty company. When you call the warranty company make sure you can explain the situation clearly. They are going to ask you if the system worked properly, how long had the system worked properly before you had a problem, and what the specific issue is concerning the system. Don't file multiple claims at one time. Know your warranty before you call. Do you have optional AC coverage, refrigerator coverage, roof leak coverage, etc.... I firmly believe that the warranty gives both buyer and seller a good piece of mind in the home sale/buying process. As agents we need to take the time to help our clients understand how to use them properly. If you are in the north Atlanta area come check us out:

Thursday, July 18, 2013


How many times have we said the wrong thing? I know that is a dumb question because we do it all the time. Its easy to say "I never said that" when you deny the conversation. That is unless the conversation is being taped. Let's talk home warranties. The Wells Team places warranties on our listings, ask for them in home purchases, and have our sellers include them in their sale. They give you the piece of mind in case you encounter a problem with your new purchase. Here is a brief story involving a major warranty company: •Home inspection on 5/17/13. •Final walk through on 7/12/13 •Closing on 7/12/13 •Warranty effective 7/12/13 •Buyer files claim on 7/15/13 Seems like a normal progression but: •Warranty company claims that our buyer told them "I don't know if the items ever worked". •Claim denied by the warranty company. A couple of points: •After the home inspection on 5/17/13, buyers did not go back to the home until the walk through on 7/12/13 •Home was inspected. All of the items involved in the warranty claim operated normally •Walk through on 7/12/13 did not show any problems •Claims made after warranty is in effect ALL CONVERSATIONS ARE TAPED! THAT MEANS BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WHEN YOU MAKE ANY STATEMENT! OUR CLIENT DID NOT INTEND TO FRAUD THE WARRANTY COMPANY BUT HER ANSWERS WERE INTERPRETED AS TRYING TO DO THIS! Be careful what you say! It could come back to bite you! Check us out at