Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2009 was an interesting year as you can imagine. Barb and I worked with a lot of great clients, fellow real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and attornies.

At the same time we encountered some individuals who were inclined to use some "flowery" phrases.

There were some phrases that were used so many times that we had to share them with you.

Some of our favorites:

"I am looking for a deal"

"I know what houses are going for in our neighborhood but my house is different"

"Last year my house was worth more"

"Why was my house appraised so low"

And our personal favorite

"I am not going to give my house away"

2010 will be just as interesting.

Give Barb or myself a call to help you with your real estate needs. We can also teach you some new phrases!

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