Sunday, January 23, 2011

Highlights of the 2011 Norton Agency Annual Forecast

The 2011 Norton Annual Forecast marked the 24th year of this successful presentation. We had a full house at The Georgia Mountain Center where Frank Norton Jr. shared the 2011 trends.

They are:

1.Headed to Evolution not Recovery
2.Mythical Multiple Bottoms
3.The First Law of Cash
4.A Paradox of Ownership
5.The Million Dollar Dilemma
6.Medical Overtakes Poultry as #1 Industry
7.Out of the Ashes Rises the Phoenix
8.Phantom Real Estate
9.Our Holographic Government Collapses
10.To The Survivors Belong the Spoils
If you would like to read the details about these 10 trends along with an in depth summary of The Norton Georgia region let us know. We can email you a copy of the 2011 Norton Native Intelligence. Just go to our website and send us an email.

Barb and I are very proud to be associated with The Norton Agency. The information provided by Frank Norton Jr. strengthens our knowledge which in turn allows us to better serve our clients.

Check out The Wells Team of The Norton Agency at

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