Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Do You Need a Termite Inspection in Georgia?

What is the word on a termite inspection in Georgia?

Everytime I attend a company real estate meeting I wonder why I am wasting my time. However my broker manages to surprise me each time by bringing in relevant speakers. This meeting was no exception.

We had a representative from Coppermine Pest Control who is also a member of GPCA (Georgia pest Control Authority). He talked to us on changes to the 2011 GAR Purchase and Sale Agreement with its references to a pest inspection.

According to 2005
• In 2005 HUD issued guidelines that said termite inspections were not required. Previous to that lenders required termite inspections in order to secure a loan.
• The HUD guideline was issued for every state in the country.
• Atlanta, and the state of Georgia, are each #2 for termites in the country!
• GPCA worked with the Georgia Legislature, and GAR, to have wording placed on Georgia Real Estate contracts.

Here are the results:

In the Purchase and Sale Agreement there is an option of providing the buyer with a GAR F13 entitled "Protect Yourself when Buying a Home”. It was produced by GAR to help buyers with the home buying process. One of the suggestions is to “Have the home inspected for termites and other wood destroying organisms and obtain an official Georgia Wood Infestation Report that can only be prepared by a licensed pest control company”.

The bottom line is this: It is not a requirement to have a home inspected for termites but it is strongly suggested. When you are #2 in the country for termites I think that makes your decision easier.

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