Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Truth is Hard to Say!

This job will not get any easier.

We have a client who wanted a report on what to do the house in order to get it ready to sell. After walking around the home we came up with a list two pages long.

The home is only 6 years old and overall it is in good shape. However it is showing the normal wear and tear that any home goes through.

We were dealing with a lot exterior wood trim rot, faded paint, and the need for the interior ceilings and walls to be repainted (the home has been empty for two years).

On top of this the market in this neighborhood, where I live, has seen a decrease in values. We are starting with one hand tied behind our back.

I left the report on his Kitchen table because I was going to be unavailable on his arrival.

I have not heard back.

The job will not get any easier!

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