Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The AJC: A Thing of the Past

Like many of you I am an “addicted internet browser”. The internet has become my sources of knowledge and I know I am not the only one.

Last week my neighbor gave me her Sunday Atlanta Journal and Constitution. It took me a while to realize that it was a newspaper that you read. (It has been a while). I enjoyed the sounds of the paper crumbling as I turned pages, the feel of the paper in my hands, and the fact I could read it without being in a WiFi hotspot!

In the past the AJC Homefinder section was your source for all the Atlanta area real estate news. Homes for sale, mortgage data, open houses, vacation properties, all in one spot.

6 Pages! The entire section was down to 6 pages! At least I knew I would finish the entire section!

I am not picking on our local newspaper. The size of this once coveted section reinforces the fact that the internet is taking over more and more every day. I see it statistically by the number of “hits” I receive on various real estate websites including our own site.

One day in the very near future I will fondly tell my son about the “old days” when we use to read something called a newspaper. I am going to miss the sights, sounds, and even the smells of the news press. Time to make new memories with my laptop!

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