Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Had to Stop the Bleeding

I have been "preaching" that at times you have to cut your losses and move on when it comes to real estate.

Unfortunately I had to listen to my own advice.

After meeting with my financial planner I decided that I had to take the hit and sell my condo in Florida. From an emotional standpoint it was very difficult, from a financial standpoint it was an even harder decision.

I will be going to closing with cash. That is a very tough pill to swallow.

However my financial planner showed me the situation from a different perspective. The condo would have to appreciate 6% a year just to cover the cost of running the property! That does not even include the property actually going up in value!

If you find yourself in a similar situation meet with a financial professional. Have them show you the numbers, and formulate a long term plan.

This is going to hurt in the short term but in three years I will be ahead of the game.

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