Monday, June 27, 2011

Now This is What I Call Service

I admit it. I have another career besides real estate. Yes I have been an airline pilot for 20 years. I have been in real estate for 6 years. This was a chance to combine the two and give incredible service to a client.

The night my clients were leaving for a two week vacation to England I received an offer on their home. Figures! They really wanted to enjoy their vacation and not endure the stress of constant emails, counteroffers, and the other joys of negotiating.

Instead I happened to be flying to London on a scheduled trip for the airline.

Contract in hand I boarded the "tube" (London subway), met my clients at their hotel, and proceeded to have dinner with them.

After finishing a wonderful Indian meal we pulled out the contracts and went to work.A couple of changes made, contracts signed, and I was on my way home.

I presented the contracts to the buyers agent upon my arrival home. It looked good


My clients had made enough changes that the buyers changed their mind, terminated the contract, and started looking for other homes.

Next time I will ask Queen Elizabeth for her help...

I can honestly say one thing: You cannot offer better service then that!

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