Sunday, August 5, 2012

Please do your research before you come see the home!

Lawyers prepare for trial, teachers prepare their lessons, pilot’s flight plan, and real estate agents just???? We are probably the only real estate agents who deal with this particular issue. What is that? The number of agents who make appointments to see our listings, actually see our listings and realize the home did not meet any of their buyer’s criteria. Specifically: “My buyer’s wanted a master on the main floor” “I thought the terrace level was finished” “My buyer’s want a basement” “My buyer’s wanted more square footage” “The price is out of my buyer’s price range”. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! We review all of our listings to make sure the information is correct. That includes attaching a seller’s disclosure. Our information includes square footage, location of master suite, terrace level or no terrace level, etc… Why do my fellow agents not take a little more time to read our information or ask us these questions when they confirm appointments? All I know is that I have very anxious sellers. They are inconvenienced to have their home ready to show. They move around their personal life and then leave the home anticipating a good showing. All I ask is that you, my fellow agent, take a little more time to know your client, research the properties they want to see, and ask the listing agent some good questions. It will save you time, work, and a discussion with an upset seller’s agent!

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