Thursday, November 26, 2009


A year ago we agonized over the water level in Lake Lanier. There were docks sitting in the Red Georgia clay, empty boat dealerships and lake front restaurants, and homeowners watching their property values decline.

Now we admire the lake in awe as it sits full. The boaters have returned to enjoy a late fall boat ride, the fisherman search for Bass, and the restaurants enjoy a surge in business.

As a result the Wells Team has been involved in 3 lake transactions totalling over $1.8 million dollars!

Barb and I have lived in a Lake Lanier community for 9 years! We know the lake, we know the Lake Lanier market! Our results speak for themselves!

There are still great opportunities located all around the lake but the true values are quickly disappearing.

Give Barb and I a call. Chances are you will reach us out on the lake!

Go to to see our listings and what we can do for you!


But North Georgia is so far away from Atlanta!

If we had a dollar for every time we heard this comment we would not be in the real estate business.

Barb and I made the move from to North Georgia, from Metro Atlanta, 9 years ago. A big move for both of us but we have never looked back!

For all of you folks who are looking at relocating to Atlanta a little geography lesson. "North Georgia", as defined by The Wells Team, is the area where the Appalachian Mountains start to become part of the landscape.

More than geography North Georgia represents a lifestyle. Hiking on the Appalachian Trail, savoring the locally produced wines, boating or fishing on Lake Lanier, kayaking, canoeing, bluegrass music, local artist, and hometown charm.

I would like to live there but it is so far away from Atlanta!

We are located:

One hour from the busiest airport in the world, Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International

One hour from the Atlanta Braves, Falcons, Hawks, or Thrashers

45 minutes from the largest mall in Georgia

35 minutes from the newly built Verizon Amphitheatre, site of top ranked concerts

One hour from the Georgia Aquarium

One hour from Broadway shows

15 minutes from the North Georgia Premium Outlet Malls.They attract over 2.5 million visitors a year.

You can have it all.

Let Barb and I introduce you to the North Georgia lifestyle. We can assure you that it will be a decision that you will not regret!

If you would like to see our listings in North Georgia, and other Atlanta Metro locations please go to our website:

Thursday, November 12, 2009


This is a common question that The Wells Team receives from prospective buyers looking in Dawson County.
Are there any "tax breaks" for me?
The easiest way to answer that question is to have you go directly to the source.
Please go to the Dawson County Tax Assessors Website:
On the left side go to exemptions. This will explain all of the options available in the county.
Come on up and experience Dawson County with The Wells Team. One hour north of downtown Atlanta, this county has the outdoor, slower pace lifestyle, that Barb, Sue, and myself (The Wells Team) have each enjoyed for over 9 years!
See all of our Dawson County listings on our website:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

GA Homeowners Lose Homestead Tax Exemption

Georgia homeowners are going to pay a little more this year on their property taxes.
I quoted the Dawson County Tax Commissioners Website:

"Your 2009 Property Tax bill may be higher than bills you have received in past years.The state homestead tax relief grant appropriated by the General Assembly and the Governor is not being funded this year due to declining state revenues during the current recession.The Tax Commissioner and Dawson County do not have the authority to restore this credit.According to legislation passed this year, the grant will only be made available in the future if state revenues grow at least 3%, plus the rate of inflation."

Despite this slight tax increase it is still a great time to buy in the Atlanta area! Let the Wells Team find your "deal of a lifetime"
Go to to see all of our listings!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We share your frustration!
You cannot get your home to appraise. We share your frustration!
You watch more foreclosures appear in your neighborhood. We share your frustration!
The offer you received on your house is "insulting". We share your frustration!
The buyer seems to have the advantage. We share your frustration!
Why dont they understand how much I have put in this home? We share your frustration!
Why do they say they love my home then disappear? We share your frustration!
They do not understand my situation? We share your frustration!

This market continues to challenge us in ways we have not seen in the past. We see the frustration level increasing in our listing clients.
The Wells Team confronts this frustration by keeping our clients informed. A lot of the information might not be what they want to hear but it needs to be said.

This market will turn around and when it does The Wells Team's clients will be well positioned.

During the interim The Wells Team will give you the service you deserve.

We share your frustration!

Friday, October 16, 2009


We are proud to be featured in the latest edition of Top Agent magazine. This magazine highlights top real estate agents in the Atlanta and Los Angeles area.

The Wells Team has been very successful the last five years. We owe our success to our clients who have place their trust and confidence in us.

Enjoy the article.
(We are page 26)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


What a great time of year in North Georgia!

There are two big fall festivals taking place in October. Goldrush takes place in Dahlonega Georiga the weekend of October 16th. The next weekend features The Moonshine Festival in Dawsonville Georgia.

Need more?

Drive to the highest point in Georgia, Brasstown Bald. From the observation point you can see Georgia and Tennessee!
Take the hike on the Appalachian Trail
Go to Burts Pumpkin Farm in Dawson County.
Take a boat ride on Lake Lanier
Drive in our beautiful mountains and enjoy the foliage.

A great to website to find all North Georgia activities:

If you are ready for change in lifestyle come up and see us!
We represent The Norton Agency. After 81 years doing business in North Georgia we can tell you this with confidence: WE KNOW NORTH GEORGIA!

Check us out

Monday, September 21, 2009


I write this blog growing more frustrated by the idea of a “loan modification”.

This is based on real experience.

Three years ago my parents bought a $390,000 2BR condo in New Smyrna Beach Florida. They bought this condo in order have a place for the family to get together and enjoy the beach. They put 20% down and obtained a conservative adjustable mortgage. The current mortgage is set to adjust in two years.

Then the “real estate crisis” hit. Florida real estate takes a hit including their beach front condo.

As home owners watch their values go down a new program called the load modification is introduced. This program will help keep people in their homes. Homeowners will have to apply to their lending institution. If approved you could receive relief on your principal or the interest rate you have on your current mortgage. A program with the best of intentions.

Now my personal experience with Wells Fargo.

In the spring of 2009 I told my Dad to refinance the condo. Interest rates were in the 4.5% to 5.0% range.

One problem: The condo would not appraise. Similar units were now selling at $240,000, 37% less than our original purchase price. He would be unable to refinance.

Fear started to set in with my Dad. He is on a fixed income. Two years from now his mortgage would adjust probably higher. Take a higher interest rate, add condo assessments, and you spell disaster.

I suggested a loan modification. The process started with a phone call in late May. It is now mid September and my Dad is not one step closer to receiving help.

Maybe he asked too much. He simply wanted his adjustable rate mortgage to be converted to a fixed rate mortgage. Nothing more.

Sounds simple? Not so fast.

Here is the process:

Go to the Wells Fargo website to find information.
Call Wells Fargo because the website has no information.
Find out that I cannot help my Dad because I have not written authorization to discuss his loan.
Fax letter to Wells Fargo so I can help my Dad.
Fill out all necessary financial paperwork and send letter of hardship.
Fax information to South Carolina.
Eventually receive one of many letters stating that all paperwork is not filled out correctly.
Make numerous phone calls to Wells Fargo finding out what paperwork needs to be completed.
Find out that Mom and Dad must sign all paperwork not just Dad.
Fax all new information to Wells Fargo in South Carolina.
Receive letter stating that all information has been received.
Miss a phone call from Wells Fargo on your home phone. They will not leave a message so you do not know they called.
More paperwork stating if you are on the verge of foreclosure then Wells Fargo can help
Contact Wells Fargo and tell them he is not going to foreclose.
More letters, more missed phone calls stating information is lacking.
Calls to Congresswoman in Florida asking for help. Surprise she cannot help.

Are you seeing a trend?

As of the beginning of September my Dad received a phone call from a Wells Fargo representative in Minnesota.
Minnesota? Not Iowa? Not Texas? Not South Carolina? No a young man called my Dad (he answered the phone) from Wells Fargo in Minnesota.
Why the phone call? The representative stated that my Dad had not submitted the proper financial information.
Here we go again…..
My Dad explained all of the information they had received including all pension statements. Wells Fargo said they will now require financial updates every 30 days.
My Dad could have a response in 60 days!



Just one real estate agents opinion based on personal experience.

Check out our website:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shared via AddThis
One of two single family homes owned by Wachovia Bank. What a great neighborhood. Mixed us with single familiy, townhomes, condos, and commercial

Shared via AddThis

One of two single family homes owned by Wachovia Bank. What a great neighborhood. Mixed us with single familiy, townhomes, condos, and commercial

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One of four townhomes owned by Wachovia Bank. What a great neighborhood. Mixed us with single familiy, townhomes, condos, and commercial

Shared via AddThis

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I GET NO RESPECT! We all remember this line made famous by Rodney Dangerfield. This line is our theme for today. So before you read on take your drum out and place it by your side. After each line make a drum roll and hit the cymbal. Not as good as Dangerfield but you get the idea.

Why is it that real estate agents get no respect?

We are so ugly that... (drum roll)
We are so big that... (drum roll)
We are so dumb that...(drum roll)

Unfortunately The Wells Team has been dealing with sellers, buyers, and fellow agents who put this line into practice.

A few examples:
Fellow agents swearing at us.
Fellow agents calling us "junior" and telling us to get our act together.
Fellow agents "lecturing" us like we are schoolchildren
Fellow agent arguing with our broker only to find that this one year agent was wrong
Fellow agent calling us at 9:30 at night to yell at us over offers on homes
Fellow agent fighting with us over the removal of bathroom mirrors in a home

Buyers who think its comical to have us rebid on homes in $1000 increments.
Buyers who expect us to drop everything on a moments notice to show them houses
Sellers who have you redesign their home only to rearrange it after you leave
Sellers who want your expertise on the market only to argue with you on pricing of their home.
Sellers fighting over $2500 in a market where a sale is very difficult
Sellers fighting over appraisals

If you did a drum roll after every one of these phrases then you should be worn out by now.

The Wells Team prides itself on the way it does business. We make it a point to respect our buyers, sellers,fellow agents, and other real estate professionals.

The next time you deal with a realtor we ask that you treat them with the respect that they deserve.

Please don't make us take out the drum!

Check us out at
We are also on Facebook. Look for Randy Wells

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Can you imagine looking for houses in the same neighborhood for 10 years? The time, the frustration, the missed opportunities, and the loss of your sanity?

Barb and I came up against buyers that "admitted" to us that they fit this profile. They had been looking in our neighborhood longer than Barb and I had lived there.

Could we help end this mental torment that they had endured for the past decade?

The answer was a resounding yes!

Barb and I pride ourselves on really listening to our clients, and knowing the local market. This is especially true in our own neighborhood, Chestatee.

After showing them houses that we thought fit their wish list we came away empty handed. Were we through? Would we vanish into the realtor abyss as others ahead of us had done?

Bring in Barb to pull off our real estate miracle.

A house becomes available in our neighborhood. Without even seeing the house Barb sends pictures and the virtual tour to our frustrated out of state buyers. She sent it without even going inside? Her obvious knowledge of the neighborhood, the house, and most importantly her buyers, contributed to success.


Were they mad? Had they reached their point of desparation? No they trusted us!

The next time you interview a realtor ask yourselves the following questions:

Does the realtor know, really know, the area where I am located?

Does the realtor know the neighborhood and the individual homes?

Does the realtor really know me?

If you are looking in the North Metro Atlanta area give us a call.


See us at

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


We have seen the first six months of 2009 speed pass us as time has a tendency to do. As Barb and I communicate with our clients on the North Atlanta market, and what has transpired this year, we find ourselves trying to grasp what has actually happened.


As we write this we are working on three different contracts with prices varying from approximately $150,000 to approximately $750,000.

We show foreclosures to prospective buyers. On some occasions they feel inclined to put in a "low ball" offer on a home that has already seen a price reduction. The offer is rejected and the buyer disappears. As a result we see a large amount of foreclosures that have been sitting for almost six months! These homes are priced to sell. Why haven't they disappeared?

The procrastinators and quick escape artist have dominated our year to this point. One neighborhood that Barb and I work seems to be a magnet for the continual looker. We have encountered buyers who have been looking for 10 years (the current record)! What are they looking for: A DEAL! That continues to be the overwhelming response for this group. Our answer is quite simple: EVERY HOUSE WE HAVE IS A DEAL! You could not build a new home for what you can buy in our current listings. Despite this they continue to procrastinate waiting for THE BETTER DEAL! As they express their interest on a particular home they leave us and turn into the quick escape artist. They have disappeared.


We are summarizing the first six months of 2009 with the question mark. The job market in the Atlanta area, the unemployment rate close to 10%, government bailouts, and consumer confidence have all contributed to the caution of buying a home.

There continues to be so much choice for the buyers that they cannot make a decision. If I wait will prices go lower? Can I find a better deal if I keep waiting? When will the deals end? And so they wait.

Pricing continues to be #1 among our clients. However we are selling homes to buyers who want a particular home, location, or lifestyle with the price being secondary.

The question mark continues to follow the real estate market.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Why buy it when you can borrow it?

How many of us feel inclined to ask our friends and neighbors for help? Can you help me move a piece of furniture, pick up my kid after school, or pick up my mail while I am out of town? The majority of us would say that we would ask for help and would also help if asked.

What is the limit? Would you help me paint my house, build a wireless network in my home, build a deck, or watch my kid for a weekend? That could be pushing.

Your neighbor is a doctor, lawyer, or CPA. Do you constantly seek professional advice without compensating them?

How do you treat your neighbor the realtor?

Barb and I of The Wells Team are faced with this on an ongoing basis.

The opinions that we receive from some strengthen a stereotype about realtors: “All you do is show a couple of houses and receive a commission!”

We would like to dispel a couple of myths:

• We work hard! We are 24/7 constantly marketing, making contact with clients, doing research, and sending information.
• We give up time with our families to accommodate buyers and sellers
• We are continually taking classes to better serve our clients
• Being a realtor cost money! Marketing, technology, insurance, and gas are not free.
• This is our job. We are doing this to provide for our families!

Despite this many people feel inclined to ask us for our time, our knowledge, and our resources only to take advantage of us in the end!

Remember this fact: A commission is placed on a home. The majority of the time that commission will go to the buyers and sellers agent equally. However if you decide to purchase a home without using an agent the selling agent will collect the entire commission. Sales agents from various communities address our real estate agent meetings. They emphasize the same point: Their homes will sell at a set price regardless of the number of agents involved. They want, and encourage, agents to represent you the buyer.

After four successful years we at The Wells Team are proud of the job we have done. If you every need assistance we are only too anxious to help. However before you contact us or any agent please remember that this is how we make a living.

Please check out our website:


Lake Lanier is up. Let the champagne corks fly!

As of this writing we are only five feet below “full pool” on the lake. Residents are once again boating, fishing, swimming, and enjoying everything that the lake has to offer.

In terms of real estate this represents a great time if you are looking for the second home, weekend getaway, rental property, or a new primary home.

Barb and Randy of The Wells Team are 9 year Chestatee residents. Chestatee is the only golf course/lake community on Lake Lanier. Our community marina looks great and there are some boat slips available.

As nine year residents of the lake we have the knowledge you need to buy the right property at the right price. Our real estate company, The Norton Agency, also has an investment on the lake. Now entering our 81st year The Norton Agency sold the first lake lot on Lake Lanier. We have also had representatives from the lake present classes to some of our agents, including The Wells Team. We wear the Lake Lanier Expert designation with pride!

Take advantage of the low interest rates and the slower market to find a great opportunity on the lake!

Barb and Randy will be happy to show you around!

If would like to see our lake listings check out our website:

See you on the lake!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Georgia Tax Credit for Homebuyers

We wanted to pass this information along to our fellow Georgia residents. The following is an excerpt from Georgia Senator Chip Pierson's update that we receive. This excerpt describes a Georgia tax credit that passed in the legislature. We would encourage you to contact your elected Georgia representative for more details.

The Wells Team is here to help you with your next home. Your North Metro Atlanta experts.

"As I have said before, fixing housing is the first step to fixing the economy. In the past year, Metro Atlanta has seen a 20 percent decline in home values and 13 percent statewide. If we do nothing, housing values will eventually be set back 10 years at this rate. Recognizing that immediate action is crucial, the legislature voted in favor this week of revitalizing Georgia's housing market by offering a $3,600 home buying income tax credit. This incentivizing credit will be available for only six months, encouraging home buyers to act now. This represents the very definition of a true stimulus: a quick thrust that incites activity within the market, producing tangible results. Under House Bill 261, the credit will apply to new and previously occupied homes and condominiums, including foreclosures.

This legislation is a product of the joint Economic Development hearings held late last year on Georgia's housing market. I was proud to work with Rep. Ron Stephens on the issue and to carry his bill to passage in the Senate. In December, industry experts warned that in Georgia, particularly in our area of Northeast Georgia, the housing market was in a depression. At that point, housing starts had plunged 67 percent. Though the situation has continued to worsen, we had some good news recently with the unexpected 22.2 percent rise in housing starts for the month of February. While we still face an uphill battle of stabilizing housing, this tax credit will go a long way in incentivizing the market and start providing immediate relief. "



Remember the AFLAC commercial where Yogi Berra is in a barber shop giving his words of wisdom. By the end of the commercial the AFLAC duck walks out of the barber shop shaking his head in total disbelief of what he has just heard.

Barb and I are starting to imitate the AFLAC duck. (No bill or wings but close). We have listened to potential buyers and are just lost in what they want.

• They have been looking in our area, specifically our neighborhood, for years but will not buy.
• They have no house to sell but do not buy
• They know every house by square footage, feature, and price but will not buy.
• They have looked at expensive properties that now sell for half their original price but do not buy
• They know a resale is a better opportunity than building the same house yet they do not buy
• Interest rates are at a low rate that will not be seen again for many years to come yet they do not buy
• They say they know what they want but the “perfect house” has not and will never exist so they do not buy
• They tell us to keep in touch, send them information but they do not buy.

We want to work with you to find the best buy. However the customer has to make the next move. If you have interest in a house MAKE AN OFFER! In this market anything is possible.

No situation is perfect. However if you are a qualified homebuyer this is about as good as it gets!

Next time you are in the North Metro Atlanta area look us up. We will be the two agents shaking our heads and making noises like a duck!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Time to be Exposed

We realize that the current real estate market is very competitive. Things will turn around and when they do exposure is important.

What do we mean by exposure? Simply having your house available in many different forms of marketing.

Our primary source of marketing is the internet. According to NAR approximately 84% of potential buyers start their search on the internet. We feel that the internet becomes more important as people have less time to look for houses and gas prices start their slow climb back up.

The Wells Team takes great pride in their internet exposure. Our listings are on 5 of the top 20 overall websites. This group includes Google, AOL, Yahoo, MSN, and Craigs List. When it comes to real estate websites we are on 10 of the top 18.

We also add the following to make sure that you are "fully exposed":

Audio Tour with 800 number
Two virtual tours
CD's in front of your house with a copy of your virtual tour
Full color flyers
The Norton Agency Homes for Life Magazine

This is one time that you want to be fully exposed. Let the Wells Team help you!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Use Our Checklist When you Choose a Realtor!

The Wells Team of The Norton Agency encourages you to use a "checklist" when you make this very big decision.

Here is our checklist:

•o Friendly, Courteous Behavior

•o Quick Response from two agents and one marketing specialist.

•o Avaliable 24 -7 days

•o Internet Presence on TOP Real Estate web sites

•o Investment in marketing

•o Open Houses

•o Redesign Service

•o CD's

•o Color Flyers

•o Audio Tours

•o 2 Virtual Tours

If you checked all these boxes you must be listed with

The Wells Team

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The Norton Agency is celebrating its 80th anniversary as the leading real estate, and insurance company in North Georgia.

Every year The Norton Agency presents its annual forecast. This is the opportunity for our President Frank Norton Jr to present his insight into the North Georgia market. In this current, turbulent, real estate market our forecast gives the developer, elected official, businessman, buyer, and seller, some direction going forward.

Here is an excerpt from our opening statement:
"Norton has reinforced its own business commitment to thrive in a market like this and not just survive by stepping up our associate recruitment, purchasing 2 different insurance firms, merging small capable real estate firms with our own, expanding offices and redeploying (not cutting) marketing resources. Norton is old enough to have see this before. It's five or six times we've seen this movie, and the plot is always the same."

If you would like to see the forecast go to and look at the link under Media Center.

When you are looking for stability in a real estate company to navigate you through troubled waters look no further than your backyard. If you are buying or selling in the North Georgia area look to the Norton Agency. WE ARE THE BIGGEST REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN NORTH GEORGIA. LOCAL KNOWLEDGE WITH NATIONAL EXPOSURE MAKES US YOUR BEST CHOICE!

Check out The Wells Team, of The Norton Agency, at

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Contradictions of Buyers and Sellers In the Current Real Estate Market

The 2009 real estate market: Good, Bad, or the same? Nobody knows for sure.

Here is one thing The Wells Team knows for sure: When people are buying a house they wear one hat. When they want to sell they wear a different hat.

What is the buyer looking for in a house? EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT! They want the exact floorplan, decorating, paint, and price. If a room is decorated in a different style,a bathroom or kitchen is outdated, or a room painted in an unusual color, the buyer is done with the house. They do not want to renovate. They also lack the imagination to see the house in their style. They have lots of houses to look at and they hold the upper hand in pricing.

At the same time we have seen some of these buyers act as sellers. Let the contradiction begin. They do not want to see their competition. They price their home based on a list of comparable properties. They do not want to physically see their competition.They cannot or do not want to make the big changes to be competitive. Out of date bathrooms, kitchens, paint, and flooring are some of the items they do want to acknowledge. The answer is to have the buyer renovate when they purchase.

What happened? When the buyer becomes the seller they look at housing from a completely opposite viewpoint.

Opinion from The Wells Team:

Talking to sellers about their house is extremely difficult. However our company, The Norton Agency, preaches the following: TELL THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY NEED TO HEAR NOT WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR! When we do this we are met with angry homeowners in a state of denial.

Decorator allowances are not working. People do not have the time to renovate. People have limited imagination. Unless you are giving your house away then you must do the necessary work yourself prior to listing.

When you list your home for sale keep your buyers hat on instead. This will keep you from being one of the homeowner contradictions!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Busy during the Holidays, Why You do not Take Your Home off of the Market!

For years we have heard clients say that they want to have their homes off of the market during the holiday period. Their thought is that during the November-January period the market stops. The Wells Team has seen differently.

We had activity! Matter of fact we showed houses New Years Day!

Our activity came from our signs, 800 verbal tours, Internet, and coop agents. In other words our all around marketing works!

If you want to be aggressive you cannot take your home off of the market during the traditional holiday period! Decorate your house, it shows better! Have your family get togethers! Enjoy the season!

As we head into January we will have clients who say: "I want to wait until spring to list my house". Why? Right now there are half the listings in my neighborhood as compared to last spring. Less competition! There is also a new president coming into office, lower interest rates, and a potential economic plan that might motivate more people to buy the home that they want.

The Wells Team is trying to emphasize this point: This is not a traditional market! The traditional wisdom of when to have your house listed is outdated!

Remember:If you do not have it listed then you know what your odds are selling it are going to be!

We serve the north Atlanta metro market to the North Georgia Mountains! Let us know how we can help you!